Sunday 17 May 2015

What's up

Hey guys :)

The fewer my days are getting, the more I've got to do! Almost all weekends until my return flight are full. And during the weeks I have much to do too. Two weeks ago was 1st of May, and I was celebrating it with my friends. 

Last weekend I had an YFU-seminar, this time it was the Re-entry seminar. I got to meet really cool exchange students again and we spoke about how it is when we have to leave, and how it can be when we get back to our home countries. It was actually really good to speak about these things with our team(the volunteers who have already been in exchange and know how it is) and with people who are in the same situation as I. It made us realize that we're not alone. 

This past week I had only two days school :D On Monday the abiturients (the 13th class who are this year graduating) had their oral exams and the rest of us had off-day. Thursday and Friday we had holidays. My host little sister had birthday on Friday and the relatives from Berlin were here ^^ And we have been eating sooooo much cake again :D On Thursday we started to paint the garage's wall (actually we did already paint it white some weeks ago, and now we started to color our painting). Yesterday Isabel celebrated her birthday and we had fun :)

And 'cause Summer is coming and we have had really warm days already, I have been eating quite a lot of ice cream <3

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